WT's false doctrines can be traced back to Theo Sufism. A woman called Blavatsky was leader of this movement for a time. Is it just a coincidence that she wrote a book called Isis Unveiled? I don't know.
Here is some info about the book
i'm watching pbs's frontline.
the story, "return from isis," is about an american woman who went to syria with her husband who was a isis soldier.
now she wants to return to the states.
WT's false doctrines can be traced back to Theo Sufism. A woman called Blavatsky was leader of this movement for a time. Is it just a coincidence that she wrote a book called Isis Unveiled? I don't know.
Here is some info about the book
forcing someone to believe something that is untrure and shunning them if they do not believe it.
So what is a 'deity'?
A football club? A religion that says there is no God? A religion that says you are God?
If a religion is disorganized is that ok? But if you are your own God and you are disorganized... how do you do your weekly shop?
forcing someone to believe something that is untrure and shunning them if they do not believe it.
Pistolpete said
But the problem is that some know it is a lie and others are fooled. I know people who have brought people in who did not realise it was a con. Then, even the person they brought in, throws them out.
So if an innocent person is conning you it points to the fact that understanding is the issue. Watchtower clouds understanding.
A person taking the study MAY NOT UNDERSTAND IT IS A CON. The person who is having the Bible study cannot imagine it is a con.
When a person joins they think they are being helped to understand the Bible not abdicate their powers of reason to a group of people who will exploit them.
i've discussed this before but not in this context alone.. i remember being about 14 years old, 1994 and starting a study in the uk with a charming muslim from the congo.
he was a very pleasant middle aged guy with a big family, two wives, always the most hospitable.
at the time the watchtower had a book on many religions, a thick red book called 'mankind's search for god' so i would read and discuss the section on islam with him.. interestingly, but not surprising, many details they had were wrong about islam and he would explain how and correct me.
Change time, times and half a time from 3.5 to 7.5 and divide 1260 by 7.5 = 1176 and then do a day for a year and you can get from 607 BCE to 570 AD - the birth of the Mohammed.
Replace Bible with a couple of magazines and don't let anyone keep back copies of the mags. In time replace mags with broadcast called Koran-t-truth. Don't let anyone watch old broadcasts.
Tell everyone God's a bit of a footballer - he has goals but no plans. Sometimes he has to change his entire strategy to accomodate unforesee emergencies.
Tell publishers they are all of the Aladdin Class - getting new light for old.
Job done.
forcing someone to believe something that is untrure and shunning them if they do not believe it.
Constantly changing teachings - issues that are difficult to grasp and deliberately made even more difficult to produce mental fog. That is what comes from the top. A fog to prevent understanding, a fog to prevent getting accurate knowledge.
Within the uncertainty of that fog a forceful attempt is made to get individuals to abandon their own powers of reason and defer to 'big brother' who 'knows better', owns the platform and will speak for everyone and many not be contradicted.
The Greek term for Jesus' disciples was the 'mathete' - it means one who is able to get accurate knowledge.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. His disciples were able to get accurate knowledge. They were able to get understanding.
The the prevention of an individual's understanding is what cults do.
(John 8:31-32) . . .And so Jesus went on to say to the Jews that had believed him: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.. . .
Also they remove freedom of Christian speech.
i would think that the first thing to go for ex jws is the blood ban.
would you take a transfusion or give blood now!.
Is that before or after the bottle of Glenfidich?
i've discussed this before but not in this context alone.. i remember being about 14 years old, 1994 and starting a study in the uk with a charming muslim from the congo.
he was a very pleasant middle aged guy with a big family, two wives, always the most hospitable.
at the time the watchtower had a book on many religions, a thick red book called 'mankind's search for god' so i would read and discuss the section on islam with him.. interestingly, but not surprising, many details they had were wrong about islam and he would explain how and correct me.
All WT false teachings are from Theo Sufism. Sufism is a form of Islam.
Note the role of the Governing Body is very similar to that of Mohammed. Do what the Governing Body says, not what Jesus Christ the first born only begotten Son of God says.
Oh and you can trash Jesus Christ but don't you dare say one word against the Governing Body.
i would think that the first thing to go for ex jws is the blood ban.
would you take a transfusion or give blood now!.
Non blood medical management is the safest (and cheapest) - it was one of those things they were actually right about.
But in those distressing situations where medical knowledge is lacking and the condition of the patient is life threatening, the important thing is to save the person's life. God is kind, loving, understanding and merciful and He has pity. He does not want anyone to die.
(Matthew 12:1-8) . . .At that season Jesus went through the grainfields on the sabbath. His disciples got hungry and started to pluck heads of grain and to eat. 2 At seeing this the Pharisees said to him: “Look! Your disciples are doing what it is not lawful to do on the sabbath.” 3 He said to them: “Have you not read what David did when he and the men with him got hungry? 4 How he entered into the house of God and they ate the loaves of presentation, something that it was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those with him, but for the priests only? 5 Or, have you not read in the Law that on the sabbaths the priests in the temple treat the sabbath as not sacred and continue guiltless? 6 But I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. 7 However, if YOU had understood what this means, ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless ones. 8 For Lord of the sabbath is what the Son of man is.”
i work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
i work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
Yes quite likely the medical procedure is safe. Most plane journeys are safe but if your hijacker/pilot has been feeding his mind on clap trap you could end up in a twin tower.
Good to check out the pilot, airport security - the plane (as you get on), ideally all the passengers etc etc. When it's your life, you are daft to be reassured by others saying 'oh it'll be fine'. Do your own due diligence to the extent you can.
Let's face it we've all be had by Watchtower. An outstanding bunch of wolves, fully up to speed on disguise and capable of deploying cutting-edge thumb screws.